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Protect From This Category A Bioterrorism Agent

The Importance of Botulinum Toxin Detection

Botulism is a disease caused by toxin made from certain types of bacteria. It is one of the deadliest toxins known.
Early detection of the deadly Botulinum Toxin is critical for preventing its spread and treating the infected. Our Botulinum Toxin Test offers a quick and accurate presumptive identification of the bacteria in environmental samples. By using this test, first responders can quickly determine their course of action in response to the potential event.

How Our Test Works
Our Botulinum Toxin Test is a simple and reliable immunochromatography hand-held assay that uses advanced antibodies to detect the toxin in environmental samples. Within 15 minutes, our test can accurately detect the presence of Botulinum Toxin A & B in environmental samples.

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